Non-Interference And The Art Of Settling
Most often we try to hard. We control and push ourselvses. We want freedom and peace, and rest and relaxation. We want to be ourselves and learn more things. And be authentic. We search, and strive, and improve ourselves. We keep going and don't let ourselves deeply settle within.
We run after things, hope things get better, reject what is going on, and rarely just are present with what is.
We don't know how to be. Restlessly we keep going and striving. What is really going on?
Is it possible that we can just let ourselves rest? Is it possible that we can just merge with the present moment, and disappear into what is...Can we simply be without having to constantly effort and change things...?
It's so easy, just stop interfering with yourself. Trust the inherent flow of things, let things unfold. Just for a moment, let things settle without a goal.
If you stop interfering with the mind with all it's chatter, it will begin to naturally settle down. Because it's nature is calm, settled clarity. The more you do to yourself, and fix yourself, the further you move from the natural state. Living truly means undoing.