29 Questions To Change Your World Today
Sometimes questions can open the door for us into new ways of being. A question can let us discover a new perspective or allow finding solutions and move beyond a current limitation. Let yourself be inspired by these questions, and I hope you find them equally useful, as I did making this list!
1. If a miracle happened, what specifically would you be noticing that is different in your world?
2. Who would you be, if you didn't feel afraid to do what you love to do?
3. What are 3 important values you have?
4. If the current situation were an opportunity, what would you do that would help you learn and grow from the opportunity?
5. If this were the most precious moment of your life, what would you be noticing about it?
6. How would you develop your skills and talents, if you couldn't fail?
7. Who would you be if the most important moment in life were now?
8. What is something that you truly, deeply love?
9. How would you develop yourself if you knew that every step you take is towards greater freedom, clarity and expansion?
10. What capabilities do you have that can help you fulfill your vision?
11. What is something that you feel truly blessed about?
12. Considering the importance of each individual's unique contribution, how do you want to be remembered?
13. What is so important to you that you wouldn't give it up, no matter what?
14. Why is it important to you to be with the job, relationship, life situation you are currently in?
15. If you could discover something new about yourself, what would you be exploring that would be of value?
16. How would you know you are truly and really making progress in your life?
17. What is one thing you can do today that would change your life and bring benefits to all areas in it?
18. Why is it important to let go and what can you develop in yourself to leave room for new ways of being?
19. What is it like to be honest with yourself and discover something you didn't know before?
20. What is one question you have never asked yourself to which you would love to know the answer?
21. If you picture yourself five years from now, what do you see?
22. If there were one thing you could change that would permanently impact your life, what would it be?
23. What are three things you are grateful for in your life?
24. How would you wish to spend the day, if you could do whatever you wanted?
25. What do you want?
26. What is the best thing that could happen in your life right now?
27. Where Am I not fully committing and holding back?
28. What is the one thing I wish I had been told when I was younger that would have supported my development?
29. What is one thing you can do today that would create change?