10 Blogs That Are Worth Reading
Starting this blog I learned about a lot of fantastic bloggers online, - amazing inspiring posts and written resources - and feel truly blessed to be connected to the work of people who inspire me and give me joy and tools to better express and live my values and purpose. So here is a list of some of the blogs I enjoy:
The Four Hour Work Week
This blog is by Tim Ferris who is a blogger and entrepreneur and best known for his book, The 4- Hour Workweek.
Expert Enough
Expert Enough is a blog created by Corbett Barr, and it's all about getting good at something and unlocking your potential.
Zen Habits
Zen Habits is a favourite of mine. It's a blog run by Leo Babauta. I love his ability to keep things simple. He writes on simplicity, inspiration, goals, getting things done and living in the moment. He also blogs about minimalism on mnmlist.
Under 35 Project
It is headed up by Lodro Rinzler, and serves as a digital hub for young Buddhists and meditators, sharing different posts on living mindfully and the challenges of everyday life.
A.H.Almaas the founder of the Ridhwan School, shares his contemplations on various topics and encourages a dialogue, to inspire and encourage people involved on a spiritual path.
Spirituality & Health
This blog focuses on spirituality, health and life style. It features many different articles and explores many topics under one umbrella.
Core Light
Core Light is the website of Leslie Temple Thurston. Her blog is dedicated to her work and her teaching based on the Marriage of Spirit.
Live Your Legend
This is a blog by Scott Dinsmore. He helps people find a career they love, and make a living from their passion.
The Art of Non-Conformity
Chris Guillebeau created this blog, and he focuses on life, work and travel. He is the author of the book The $100 Start Up, a book about creating freedom through your small business.
Becoming Minimalist
Joshua Becker runs this beautiful blog on minimalism, simplicity, and how to live happily with less. It's about finding how to live more by owning less.