Transformation Through Steadfastness
When we engage on our path of self-discovery and openness of heart, there are many facets and aspects to realize, to transform and to begin opening up within us. It is nothing ordinary to begin discovering that who we are is more than our habitual patterns, and behaviours. But instead it is moving into the sacred within us, and that opens up a territory beyond our habitual views.
Steadfastness is a quality of transformation
When we have received a taste of what transformation really is, it is usually important to continue our path, and not give in when it gets difficult. So what is steadfastness? Steadfastness means staying with something, committing and persevering.
Many of us have various difficulties and topics to explore around steadfastness. One possibility might be that one of our parents was very disciplined and strict, and so steadfastness now evokes an image of restriction, being caught, not having freedom. So we may not like steadfastness, because our mind equates it with not having enough space or room within ourselves. We may avoid being committed or certain to maintain a certain kind of freedom.
On the other hand, we may have had the experience of too much slack, not enough solidity, and our capacity to stay with something is not trained. We may give up easily and not stay steadfast until we see a goal through until its end. In either case, we are reacting from our conditioning rather then experiencing steadfastness as a natural part of who we are. Steadfastness is solidity, will, and absence of flip-flopping or being uncertain. It is commitment, perseverance and openness.
Sometimes we also may think steadfastness is not important in our life, even though it is truly required. We may experience resistance to doing certain things, and staying on track. We may procrastinate and avoid doing what would serve our development. You may find, a common tendency is to push ourselves, and of course that is not natural to who we are. Pushing ourselves and inertia are just two sides of the coin of absence of real steadfastness.
Steadfastness is a spiritual state
Real steadfastness is coming from a spiritual place within. It is beyond our past history, even though it requires exploring it. It is in fact, when we are steadfast, that we experience things getting done, flow in our life, and there is not a someone who resists doing things that need getting completed.
Interestingly, it is when we do not resist, and stay with what is required or needed, we may find that it is true freedom. In the flow of steadfastness, is a freedom that is not the freedom of the conditioned self, wanting out, but it is a freedom that is deeper.
What is your experience of steadfastness? How do you relate to staying on track? Do you have a sense of freedom in your life?