8 Reasons To Celebrate Your Life
Please subscribe to the blog rss or e-mail. There are so many things to be thankful for every day. Most of the time, we forget how many things we can appreciate and be grateful for. It is important to remember that it is the ordinary moments that deserve special attention, and acknowledgment.
It is not necessary to reserve celebration for special events, it is possible to celebrate your life ongoingly and be in touch with the ordinary specialness of each day.
So here are 8 reasons to celebrate your life and be grateful for what is available to you at this time.
1. Celebrating your life increases abundance and flow
Just focusing your attention on appreciating and being grateful is a great way to overcome obstacles and challenges. The saying goes 'what we resist persists', and it applies equally here, what we appreciate grows and begins to thrive.
2. It allows you to focus on what you have rather than lack and what's missing
Celebrating the little meaningful moments and things around you is very helpful. Being aware of what you already have in your life will bring awareness to the fullness of what is available to you already, instead of focusing on lack and the belief you need more to be happy or fulfilled.
3. It brings more joy and gratitude into your life
The energy of appreciation will create more ease and joy, and you will be able to recognize more easily how much blessing is available amidst even difficulties or great challenges.
4. Appreciation of what is increases opportunities
Staying with what is, and noticing what you are grateful for now, helps you become aware of what you can do and what the next step will be. It lifts you towards a higher vibrational field, overcoming blame and comparison and finding a way towards greater opportunities.
5. You feel less separate and more in synch with the universe
Celebration increases your connection with yourself and others, and it helps you to be in touch with the underlying goodness of life. Regardless of life circumstances, there is a way to turn your attention towards lightness and ease by focusing on what you are grateful for.
6. You feel less centered on what isn't working and give more energy to life's infinite possibilities
It is easier to find solutions, and focus on what is working when you are available for what is there for you. The field of infinite possibilities is co-emergent with this moment, so thankfulness will open up potential and creativity.
7. When you appreciate your life, the energy of appreciation returns to you
Whenever we appreciate something we have, something we discover, or the people around us, this energy of appreciation returns to us. Whatever we give out, will be received by us because it creates a field that allows for the energy of gratefulness beyond an individual boundary.
8. Celebration enhances your well-being
Lastly, focusing on appreciation and gratitude, instead of on lack and criticism, will enhance well-being on many levels. It helps decrease stress and the pressure of having to have it all figured out, and allows us to participate in the dance of the universe manifesting its many facets.
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