21 Transformative Quotes On The 5 Elements
Earth, water, fire, air and space are elemental energies inside each of us. When they are aligned life is easy. When they are not in balance life is challenging, we experience stress, have emotional issues, there might be illness. It's easy to connect to the energies within by finding moments with the elements in nature. Much healing can be found by acknowledging the elements and recognizing how much we are in touch or out of connection with these fundamental energies.
The vastness of our potential can only fully be explored if there is a map that encompasses not only one facet and limits us, but it helps to navigate the terrain by having a full spectrum of qualities available, the 5 elements. This constellation, this dynamic compass, this ever renewing source of inner qualities can bring about wisdom, grace, and healing - what we need to live every day life.
Here are 21 quotes on the 5 elements:
The earth element is an energy of stability and groundedness.
“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”
“Touching the earth – digging, planting, harvesting – connects us literally and spiritually to those who have dug, planted and harvested before us.”
“The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive. ”
“You are a guest. Leave this earth a little more beautiful, a little more human, a little more lovable, a little more fragrant, for those unknown guests who will be following you.”
The water element is an energy of flow and flexibility.
“All know that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.”
“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf. ”
“The river that flows in you also flows in me.”
“The stream of life is a wave on the ocean of love.”
The fire element is an energy of vitality and passion.
“Set your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames. ”
“Of all fires, love is the only inexhaustible one.”
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
“It is one thing to touch a flame and know it is hot, but quite another to jump into that flame and be consumed by it. ”
The air element is an energy of movement and change.
“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”
“Breathing in, there is only the present moment. Breathing out, it is a wonderful moment.”
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
“That’s life: starting over, one breath at a time.”
The space element is open and all-inclusive. It encompasses the other 4 elements.
“External phenomena appear within space, remain within space and disappear within space again. Is there any place where earth, water, fire and wind can go that is outside space? ”
“In truth, there is enormous space in which to live our everyday lives. ”
“You are pure space, uncontaminated by anything. You are just a mirror reflecting nothing. ”
“Unencumbered by our definitions we experience ourselves as conscious intelligence aware of itself as open, endless space.”
“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.”