21 Inspiring Quotes on the Air Element
Here are 21 quotes on the air element. This is part of the quote collection of earth, water, fire, air and space. Please share these quotes and enjoy them.
“I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight.”
“What is brought by the wind, will be carried away by the wind.”
“When we become fixed in our perceptions we lose the ability to fly.”
“For the breath of life is in the sunlight and the hand of life is in the wind.”
“When remaining in awareness itself, every thought movement, no matter what kind, is like drawing in air.”
“Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment. ”
“All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man…the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.”
“With your fragrance in the air, I give my love to the wind.”
“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”
“Wherever we are, we can take a deep breath, feel our body, open our senses and step outside the endless stories of the mind.”
“As each breath goes out, let it be the end of that moment and the birth of something new.”
“With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion, I am a farmer of the heart. ”
“This sky where we live is no place to loose your wings, so love, love, love.”
“The breeze of grace is always blowing, set your sail to catch that breeze.”
“Because awareness is as present in our lives as the air we breathe, we can access it anywhere, anytime”
“As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe out, cherish all beings.”
“Breathe and let be.”
“As breath stills our mind, our engergies are free to unhook from the senses and bend inward.”
“Thoughts come and go like leaves in the wind, but the core of consciousness is forever.”
“If we pause and breathe in and out, then we can have the experience of timeless presence, of the inexpressible wisdom and goodness of our own minds. We can look at the world with fresh eyes and hear things with fresh ears.”
“With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but love.”
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