3 Important Tools on the Mandala
Here are 3 tools on the mandala to help you discover balance and healing. Please share with them with others if they are of benefit and can bring helpful discoveries.
Tool 1: 5 Core Questions
One specific tool related to the mandala is connected to the mandala of the 5 elements. The five elements surround us, but are within us as elemental forces that shape our personal field and experience.
Exploring your own life situation you can start a general thread of questions related to each of the five core facets.
Let’s explore…
2. What allows flow in your life?
Transform judgment and rejection into acceptance
Feel more freedom by being present and aware
Clarify your experience and inner knowing
Allow the flow and unfoldment of experience
1. What grounds you? What brings stability and rootedness?
Feel more appreciation for yourself
Experience interconnectedness and inner richness
Connect to gratitude
Learn to feel grounded
4. What would allow movement and change?
Discover what optimizes change
Increase movement and allow letting go
Take action and align with what is important
Connect to inspiration and a sense of renewal
3. What are you passionate about? What do you desire?
Discover what you want
Increase vitality and passion in your life
Feel a deeper connection with others
Let what you love guide you
5. What would allow space in your experience? What is your experience of openness?
Learn to be with uncertainty and not knowing
Get space from limiting patterns and feelings
Embrace challenges
Open to the true unlimited potential of yourself
The second tool on the mandala has to do with exploring the qualities of each element in the mandala.
Tool 2: Guidance and Practice on the Daily Path
You may choose to focus on one area daily or weekly, to connect and find insight around the elements.
Stability and Groundedness: During this week or today, notice that everything that shows up for you, can be viewed from a perspective of grounded equanimity. Notice the richness that is present in your life and the resources that are available to you.
Flow and Flexibility: Notice for a moment how you limit the flow of your life through judgment and preferences. Take a moment to just be aware of what is happening in your experience. Be like water, mirroring your experience. Value the preciousness of what is there.
Vitality and Passion: You have an opportunity to explore what energizes you and strengthens your vitality. What gives you fire and passion? Notice what you truly want? Be aware that life differentiates in many different forms and possibilities and which of these do you want to connect to.
Movement and Change: Today or this week be mindful of your action. Notice your tendency to speed up your action in order to get things done. See I you can return to the moment and be present with the action itself. Notice if it’s possible to just be in the process without striving towards a specific goal or achievement.
Space: Openness and Spaciousness
Today allow openness towards your experience. Recognize and encompass what you usually would choose not to be with. Allow space for yourself, no matter where you are. Feel the space, and include whatever arises for you in your daily life situation.
The third tool explores balance around each of the elements.
Tool 3: The 5 Elements Wheel
You can download the wheel here.
Create a wheel divided into segments. The elements are earth, water, fire, air, and space.
Looking at the 5 elements wheel explore each segment and ask
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, what is your experience of balance for this element in your life?
Complete each element in the wheel.
When you are complete scaling, ask yourself
How can I bring greater balance into the element? What may need to happen or what do I wish to do to move it further up the scale? What are some specific actions?
How might my life look like with the balanced elements?
Interested in more…? If you are curious in joining in for more tools, find out more about the live training below.
The Mini Coaching Program
Starts on September 7, 2024 9am - 12:00pm PST
This program consists of 6 live sessions via Zoom, explores five facets and elements and is designed to teach you Coaching skills for self-development or as a Coach. It is experiential and designed to support inner development, as well as how to effectively communicate with others.
You will learn a beneficial framework that facilitates personal growth and explores the five facets of human evolution and balance. Some of the benefits are that you develop and experience greater mindfulness, creativity and compassionate action.
Please contact for more information via e-mail.