Resting In The Simplicity Of The Moment
Let's begin this post with a quote from Padmasambhava:
"In the infinite mandala of space, all phenomena are easily accommodated."
The more structured your experience in the moment is, the less you will experience inner rest and calmness. The open spaciousness of the moment is natural to you, it isn't something that has to be constructed, it's already there. The way to rest within is to entangle yourself from the ideas of what should happen. An allowing of our natural state.
This is not necessarily easy. We have so much conditioning that simplicity and space gets lost and we have no idea how much we suffer.
Rather than recognizing our mind as spacious, we end up with the content of experience as the reference to who we think we are.
We loose touch with the ground of our mind, open all-including spaciousness. Finding the spaciousness, is finding freedom from identification.
Being open to any experience is allowing restfulness in the moment. We don't have to go against or fight with ourselves, we can bring ourselves fully to this moment, embrace it.
That goes against our usual conditioning, of running towards a result, or needing to be somewhere specific in our experience.
It's being with yourself in a way that supports not fixing, having the courage to face yourself, without knowing what the result will look like.
Giving space to what is arising.
And allowing not knowing and a life of discovery that embraces fully our potential as human beings.