Day 12 :: Exploring the Air Element: Action

Action is about activity, and doing something and is about achieving specific goals. When we feel connected to the active, changing energy of air and when we are in balance, we are in touch with the movement, dynamism and freshness of this quality. It’s wisdom relates to achievement.
When there is wind, we can simply observe how change and movement takes place without our control, there is a dynamism that unfolds without interference. Taking a few breath consciously, it reminds us of the present moment, it clears the mind and refreshes. The same way the air element can be found within us, simple and sponteneous action becomes possible through connecting with this quality. Exploring action is another way of exploring the air element.

Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.