Day 2 :: Exploring the Earth Element: Stability and Groundedness
“The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.” — Thich Nhat Hanh
The earth element is one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and all elements exist simultaneously as an interplay of energies. We can see the form of the elements all around us, but working with the energies of the elements within us can help unlock helpful qualities to realign with and to feel greater harmony and peace.
Groundedness, commitment, stability, rootedness, solidity, abundance, richness, generosity
The earth element, relates to qualities of groundedness, stability and rootedness. Finding the steady eveness of the earth element is helpful to shift into a mindset of valuing everything equally. This supports abundance and let’s you find enrichment in your life.
Begin exploring this element in your own experience:
What stabilizes and grounds your experience? Begin feeling the solidity and support of this element. What invites this element in your life? Where you tend to get stuck and hold on to the solidity of the element and it would support you to bring in other elements to balance this more?
Step: You might spend some time in nature today to feel the groundedness of the earth element, walk in the mountains, or bring this element into your experience today.
Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.