Day 15 :: Exploring the Space Element: Emptiness

The space element is about emptiness and the experience of vastness that is all-encompassing. When we feel connected to the limitless openness of space, and when we are in balance, we feel the all-pervasiveness and potential of this quality. It’s about vast possibilities. It’s wisdom relates to being inclusive and all-accommodating.
Think about the experience of just lying on your back staring into the depth of the sky, connecting to the spaciousness and emptiness of that vastness. Notice the openness, purity and boundlessness of space embracing all the other four elements. Finding the space element within, is connecting to the intrinsic openness, spaciousness and emptiness of awareness. Exploring emptiness is another way of exploring the space element.

Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.