Day 16 :: Exploring the Space Element: All-Accommodating

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Congratulations, today you are completing the 16 days on the 5 elements. The space element is about being all-accommodating. This means it encompasses what arises in the experience of the moment, it has an openness and an unfoldment. It is inclusive and allows the potential of sensations, perceptions, feelings and thoughts that form the fabric of our experience.

In the fresh spontaneity of the moment, there is immediacy and spaciousness simply inviting us to be present and to discover the treasures within us. In the simplicity of the spaciousness there is openness without preferences. It relates to the all-inclusiveness of space. Accommodating means embracing what is.

All the other elements, arise from the space element, this basic ground. It contains and embraces all other four elements. So the elemental energies air, fire, water and earth appear from and dissolve again into space. It is a constant process of becoming, the various element shaping themselves into forms.

So each element has certain qualities that are expressed, and the space element is neutral, like a canvas. From this empty potential emerge many possibilities. It is vast and it is all-pervasive.

Here a summary if you missed it:

Thanks for joining and this completes the 16 days and the 5 elements. For more information go to courses or book a Discovery session.

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Learn more about Balance and Healing Through the 5 Elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth : 5 Zoom Sessions with Nicole Koch.